Men, join us on Wednesdays as we study the book of First Timothy to discover what it means to be a spiritual leader in the home, in the church, and in the world. Each time we meet we will work through a paragraph and discuss how it applies to our lives. Be sure to check the schedule below as we will usually meet every other week. Below the schedule you will find a few helpful links. The "Exegetical Worksheet" is what you will use to guide your study.
November 13th, Introduction
November 20th, 1 Timothy 1:1–11
Reading: Hiebert, pgs. 9–38.
Location: Jody's House
Discussion Questions
- Why may Timothy have been reluctant to remain at Ephesus?
- Why are many Christian men reluctant to be spiritual leaders in their homes and churches today? What challenges are you facing as a spiritual leader?
- What is “speculation” (verse 4)? Have you come across any examples of theological speculation (verse 4)? Why should we avoid this?
- How were the false teachers misusing the law (verses 8–11)? Why did Paul attack this error so passionately?
Thanksgiving Break, No Meeting
December 4th, 1 Timothy 1:12–20
Reading: Hiebert, pgs. 38–48.
Location: Jon's House
Discussion Questions
- What motivated Paul to fight for the purity of the gospel when it was attacked?
- The conscience is our moral self-awareness. How do we keep our conscience in a healthy condition (verse 19)? How dangerous is it to ignore your conscience?
- What does it mean to hand someone over to Satan (verse 20)? What other verses in the New Testament shed light on this phrase?
December 18th, 1 Timothy 2:1–8
Reading: Hiebert, pgs. 49–58.
Location: Jon's House
- Is this passage talking about private or public prayer? What evidence supports your answer?
- What are we being called to pray for? Why?
- How would you rate our church as far as our obedience to the command in this passage? What must we/you change to be more obedient here?
Christmas Break, No Meeting
January 15th, 1 Timothy 2:9–15
Reading: Hiebert, pgs. 58–63.
Location: Jody's House
- Based on this passage, what advice would you give to a young woman who is seeking to honor God specifically as a woman? What are some practical ways that she can obey the commands in this text?
- Female pastors? Why or why not? What if a woman says she feels "called"? What if there are no men who are willing to lead?
January 29th, 1 Timothy 3:1–7
Reading: Hiebert, pgs. 63–68.
Location: Jody's House
- What office or position is being described here? Is this the same as pastor/elder or something else? See Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Peter 5:1–4.
- Try looking up the word for "office of overseer" in a concordance or Bible dictionary. How does this word help us understand the nature of the office?
- How many qualifications are listed here? Try putting each one in your own words.
- Why are marriage and parenting mentioned in this list?
- What does verse 6 imply about new converts?
- Except for "apt to teach", every Christian man should meet these qualifications. How have you grown since your conversion? Where are you still falling short?