Christ Exalting Bible Teaching
Grace Church of Orland is a new church in Orland, CA.
Christ Exalting Bible Teaching
Grace Church of Orland is a new church in Orland, CA.
Grace Church of Orland is a new church in Orland, CA.
Grace Church of Orland is a new church in Orland, CA.
We are currently meeting at the Glenn Success Square Conference Center.
131 E Walker St, Orland, CA
Grace Church of Orland is a church plant of NorthCreek Church. Over the next few years, our partner church will be assisting us in many ways. During this time, our number one priority will be to raise up additional local elders to work alongside our pastor in caring for the church.
We are committed to exalting Jesus Christ through reverent worship, committed discipleship, and zealous evangelism. We strive to keep the Bible at the center of our fellowship because it claims to be sufficient for salvation and Christian living.
Our services are simple and focused on worshipping the Lord through congregational singing, prayer, and expository preaching.
131 E. Walker Street, Orland
Every Sunday before the worship service we come together to seek God's blessing upon our congregation and community.
131 E. Walker Street, Orland
131 E. Walker Street, Orland
Our worship service usually ends around 11:30am.
131 E. Walker Street, Orland
The purpose of the men's fellowship is to equip the men of Grace Church to be godly spiritual leaders. All men are welcome and encouraged to...
2 Timothy 3:16
Sundays at 10:00am
131 E. Walker Street, Orland, CA
Mail: PO Box 4675, Orland, CA 95963
Sola Scriptura | Sola fide | Sola gratia | Solus Christus | Soli Deo gloria
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